Thursday, June 6, 2024

DirecTV Advertising Starts 'Guaranteed Incremental Reach'

 Besides linear TV advertising being the top reach and targeting media for addressable commercials, is there competition aboard to challenge linear TV advertising?  Philip Jay LeNoble, Ph.D.

DirecTV Advertising Starts 'Guaranteed Incremental Reach'

DirecTV Advertising -- a major proponent of addressable TV advertising -- now says it is offering “guaranteed incremental reach.”
A key concern of big brand advertisers continues to be finding more reach for media campaigns -- much of this due to declining reach of legacy linear TV platforms and networks.
DirecTV’s Addressable Reach-Frequency Optimization (RFO) technology combines the company’s proprietary data, viewership insights and addressable technology for advertisers to maximize reach, optimize frequency, and balance impression distribution against their TV campaigns.
Additionally -- as with other TV-based media sellers -- DirecTV is adding clean room technology, which is currently integrated with Amazon Web Services Clean Rooms, InfoSum, LiveRamp and Snowflake and will be expanding to other providers. 
Also, DirecTV Advertising says brands can now air “contextual” content deals without needing to rely on audience data by using inputs such as network, genre and rating. Advertisers can verify where their ads have run through multiple verification partners. Later this year DirectTV is offering series-level reporting through Publica by IAS.



Estimates from IPG Mediabrands’ Magna research/investment business say total TV addressable revenue will rise to $13.4 billion this year (from $10.9 billion a year ago). Set-top box addressable deals will grow 25% to $11.9 billion, with connected TV estimated to increase 8% to $1.5 billion.

Additionally, Amy Leifer, chief advertising sales officer at DirecTV Advertising, says in a release: "As the market shifts and more content is being consumed on CTV devices, we’ve transformed our business to be more digital and streaming-centric."
Earlier this year a survey by the company said one in three advertisers now considers addressable as a must-buy.

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