Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Commentary Beyond The Screen: How Audio Ads Can Add to Your Brand's Success



Beyond The Screen: How Audio Ads Can Add to Your Brand's Success

In a world with increasing screen fatigue, how can brands make a lasting impression? Audio listening is at an all-time high, with 98 million Americans spending 21% of their time engaging daily -- that’s over four hours!

Marketers allocate only 4.5% of total advertising spend in the U.S. toward audio today. It’s time for brands to raise the volume to reach consumers. As brands innovate, audio advertising stands out for creating lasting connections through podcasts, streaming music and radio, potentially unlocking brand success.

The Underrated Power of Audio

Audio advertising connects brands and consumers when visuals cannot. It’s a powerful storytelling canvas. The clink of a glass, the roar of an engine, the patter of raindrops: Audio can capture attention and evoke emotion instantly -- and with lower production costs and lead times.

There’s a major opportunity with audio for creative messaging during listeners’ “me time” and co-listening moments. Brands can convey contextual messaging with minimal lift.

Brands can engage listeners when they’re disconnected from the rest of the world, but tuned in with their ears. Whether they’re streaming music or scripted content, listeners are receptive and likely to react. During co-listening moments, brands can leverage messages that reach listeners who are connecting to cultural content through radio and podcasts.

Audio's power to foster human connection elevates brand endorsements and storytelling. When a popular podcast or radio host endorses a product, it feels like a trusted friend's recommendation versus a traditional ad. According to a recent study, podcasts drove the highest attentive-seconds-per-thousand impressions compared to other digital, social and TV benchmarks. Listener can’t turn off their ears.

Crafting Captivating and Personal Audio Ads

Audio offers a personal, captivating experience. Americans spend over four hours daily with audio, with nearly 70% on radio, 20% on podcasts, and the rest on streaming audio and satellite radio.

To craft compelling audio ads, brands must know their target audience, goals, and key message. Choosing the right platforms and channels for engaging brand storytelling is crucial. This blend of art and science ensures the message resonates. Will it spark emotions? That’s the first question brand marketers should ask.

The Role of Sound Effects

Sound effects can paint a picture in listeners’ minds. Using ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response), featuring soothing sounds like whispering and tapping, is one effective approach. KFC and Michelob Ultra have successfully used ASMR to create memorable, immersive audio experiences. Knowing when and how to leverage such effects is imperative.

  • Understand your audience: Know your audience and strategize to capture attention in a way that complements, or cuts through, the surrounding content.
  • Consider the senses: Imagine sounds like a cold drink being poured, sneakers squeaking on a basketball court, or musical cues -- these can evoke strong sensory responses.
  • Focus on triggers: Whispering, tapping, and crinkling can nestle into the human brain, enhancing an ad's effectiveness.

That’s a Wrap

By leveraging the power of audio, brands can foster deep connections, build their voice, and drive success beyond the screen.

This post was previously published in an earlier edition of Marketing Insider.

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