Thursday, July 25, 2024

Local Brands Can Find a Gen Z Connection Via Radio’s Influencers


Local Brands Can Find a Gen Z Connection Via Radio’s Influencers


As the “original influencers,” radio personalities have been at the forefront of creator-generated content long before it was called that. Now new data shows the power in all brands harnessing that content, which provides plenty of opportunity for local radio.

new report by Nielsen’s NCSolutions reveals that 48% of Americans and 66% of Gen Z have purchased products discovered through content generated by influencers on social media or streaming apps. The survey also measured consumer reactions to creator-generated advertising. 47% felt entertained, 43% were inclined to research the product, 24% were likely to share the endorsed product with friends and family, and 23% felt inspired by the content.

While Gen Z leads in purchasing products through influencer content, other generations are not far behind. Millennials follow at 55%, Gen X at 41%, and Baby Boomers trail at 24%.

A lot of what drives Gen Z to buy from content-creators is another one of radio’s strong suits: trust. More than a quarter of Gen Z – 12% more than all other generations – believe influencers have their best interests in mind when endorsing products, and 21% trust influencers’ recommendations, compared to 13% of other generations.

With radio working directly at the local level on multiple platforms, this presents upside for local brands – as long as the talent is leveraged correctly. So what’s the best way to connect with these audiences? NCSolutions says humor tops the list, with 50% of Americans selecting it as the primary driver for connecting and purchasing. “How-to” videos follow at 40%, then music comes in third at 37%.

This aligns with a 2023 Maru/Matchbox study that emphasized the influencer-type connection that AM/FM listeners form with radio personalities based on humor and trust. The study found that 90% of respondents agree that their favorite hosts make them laugh, while 64% say personalities make them think.

NCSolutions’ Chief Marketing Officer Deirdre McFarland commented, “As brands seek to drive incremental sales, building loyal long-term customer relationships with younger buyers is a strategy that enables continued growth…This new consumer study about creator content shows that pairing your brand with the right creator not only raises the power of creative, but also enhances brand connections, allowing advertisers to make lasting impressions with consumers.”

Ad-Free Streaming 'Stickier' With Consumers, FAST Fills 'Gaps,' Study Finds


Ad-Free Streaming 'Stickier' With Consumers, FAST Fills 'Gaps,' Study Finds

In some not-so-good news for streaming TV-video media buyers, a new study shows that more expensive ad-free streamers are “stickier” with consumers than free or low-cost ad-supported platforms, according to Hub Entertainment Research.

Eighty-five percent of respondents in the study say they "definitely/probably" will have ad-free services a year from now, compared to 74% who say they will have ad-supported services.

Looking deeper, 19% say they "might/might not" have ad-supported services a year from now versus 10% who "might/might not" have ad-free services.

“People paying extra for ad-free services consider them more valuable and are more loyal,” say the authors of the report.

While the addition and the use of FAST (free ad-supported streaming TV) services like Pluto and Tubi help consumers feel they are getting more for their money, “loyalties to those services may not be as strong.” At best, these fill in the “gaps” for consumers who are unable to spend more on streaming/TV spending.

Price and content are two issues that consumers vacillate over when it comes to the streaming purchase. The study finds that thirteen percent of respondents are concerned about the price of streaming platforms, while 9% point to access to movies that were recently in theaters, 9% also want “ad-free shows," and another 9% want at least a choice between ad-free and ad-supported options.

Consumers are “maxed out” when it comes to the overall cost of TV -- which respondents say averages $82 a month -- the study finds.

Respondents say they would pay a maximum of $87 for all TV content.

This research comes from a June 2024 survey among 1,600 U.S. TV consumers ages 16-74 with broadband.

Health, Wellness Brands Are Missing the Mark with Gen Z Women


Health, Wellness Brands Are Missing the Mark with Gen Z Women

The health and wellness world seems to be in a state of perpetual transformation, especially because of the influence of the diverse viewpoints and needs of various demographics, particularly Gen Z women. This consumer base has emerged as a potent influence, shaping dialogues concerning comprehensive well-being. As a generation molded by digital technology and shifting societal norms, female Gen Z audiences disrupt conventional approaches in their pursuit of health and wellness.

However, navigating the intricacies of their well-being journey poses challenges for Gen Z women as they encounter a healthcare system and brands that frequently fall short of meeting their needs. Understanding their distinct attitudes and behaviors is pivotal for brands striving to engage with genuineness and efficacy.

The Gen Z Health & Wellness Experience

Gen Z women enjoy unparalleled access to information, particularly through digital channels. They traverse a landscape inundated with health-related content, molding their perspectives on overall well-being. Yet, within this abundance of information lies a formidable hurdle: misinformation. The profusion of choices and veiled marketing content doesn’t propel female Gen Zs toward improved health. Instead, it fosters dismissiveness and bewilderment, exacerbating the anxiety prevalent in this generation.

Research by McKinsey and the 2024 World Happiness Report shows that Gen Z reports inferior mental, social, and spiritual health compared to older generations. Female Gen Z-ers are nearly twice as likely as males to report subpar mental health. 

For Gen Z women, wellness focus revolves around fitness, sleep, and overall health, signaling a yearning for a balanced approach. However, despite their active prioritization of health, Gen Z women grapple with a significant spending disparity. Independent studies have noted their relatively modest healthcare expenditures compared to their population size.  

How BrandsCan Connect With Gen Z Women

Responsibility and advocacy: Brands that actively champion better health and wellness can resonate more with Gen Z women. This might involve forming partnerships with health organizations, engaging in community initiatives, and maintaining transparent communication.

Authentic engagement: With 22% of Gen Z women anticipating health and wellness brands to connect on a deeper level, authenticity becomes crucial. Brands need to demonstrate a genuine commitment to this demographic’s well-being.

Holistic offerings: Gen Z women seek brands that acknowledge the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. While it may not be feasible for a single brand to be all those things, it needs to consider the full spectrum of a woman’s health journey and strive to address multiple aspects where possible.

Leveraging digital tools: Given that 66% of Gen Z use wellness apps and fitness trackers, brands should incorporate digital health tools into their offerings. This not only meets the technological expectations but also facilitates personalized health solutions.

Mental health support: Considering the high rates of anxiety and depression among Gen Z women, brands should prioritize mental health in their messaging. Providing resources and destigmatizing mental health will forge stronger connections with this demographic.

Gen Z Celebrates A 'Boysober' Summer



Gen Z Celebrates A 'Boysober' Summer

First, Gen Z got sober from alcohol, drinking 20% less than millennials at the same age. And now they're getting sober from relationships, declaring themselves "boysober" for the summer.

In some ways, being boysober is a rebranded way of staying celibate. However, Gen Z women who remain celibate by choice, choosing to focus instead on themselves and their friendships, find "celibacy" to be a loaded term, fraught with religious, political and patriarchal baggage. So boysober is a cute, viral way of saying that someone is choosing to avoid romantic and sexual relationships with men. It also offers a welcome antonym to being "boycrazy."

Why are so many women choosing boysobriety? For starters, they're frustrated over dating apps, and how much effort they put into building and maintaining their profiles, just to get a handful of responses from quality men looking for serious relationships. Many dating app users of all genders think the apps encourage users to continually swipe, always looking for someone better. In a recent "Savage Love" advice column, Dan Savage notes that there's now a shift away from online dating, and toward meeting partners "IRL" through friends, activities and bars/clubs.

Secondly, with more liberal social mores around gender and sexuality, some women and nonbinary folks are going boysober to explore their own identity and orientation, rather than just defaulting into a relationship with a man. Some people who go boysober discover that they're attracted to women, or other folks along the gender continuum. One woman who went boysober told the New York Times she realized she actually wasn't attracted to men at all, fell in love with her best friend, and married her.

Thirdly, just like being sober from alcohol makes people clear-headed and better able to see and work on themselves, so can being "sober" from relationships. This closely aligns with the self-help and -care craze. People who go boysober are better able to look at themselves and the patterns of their lives and relationships, and then draw more objective conclusions. When they begin to date again, they often set healthier boundaries, and pick more constructive partners.

And lastly, many women are realizing they don't need a man to lead a rewarding life. Now that women are attending and graduating from college more than men, many are economically and socially empowered to travel, see the world, buy a house, start a business, have a child, or pursue a passion with their best friends, or entirely on their own. With a generation of young men dropping out of school, falling out of the workforce and playing video games all day while "swiping right" on their dating apps… many women are saying "thanks, but no thanks."

What are the implications for brands during this boysober summer?

*Give thought to girl groups. If it's an activity or experience that can be marketed to a couple, try marketing it to a group of girlfriends getting together. If a woman does something with seven girlfriends rather than one man, that's quadruple the event tickets, theme-park admissions, restaurant tab, etc.

*Promote female empowerment. Don't market your product based on how it can help a woman "find or keep” her man. Instead, focus on how it can help a woman become the best she can be, as an individual, and in all the relationships and aspects of her life.

*Provide a pathway to healthy relationships. Most boysober individuals won't stay that way forever. When they're ready to re-enter the dating scene, provide tools to have healthier relationships, and representation of happy, healthy, supportive relationships, whether those are with boys, girls or other genders.

By following this playbook, brands can ensure Gen Z doesn't break up with them like they’re doing with boys.

Nielsen's Gracenote Creates Contextual Ad-Targeting Biz


Nielsen's Gracenote Creates Contextual Ad-Targeting Biz

Gracenote, known within Nielsen for its metadata and IDs for ad targeting, has launched a contextual advertising business in an effort to become the taxonomy for connected television (CTV).

The business historically has supported mostly publishers, but when customers began putting Gracenote’s data into their ad products -- including AVOD and FAST streaming models -- Trent Wheeler, chief product offer at Gracenote, knew it was time to make a change.

“We really were pulled in by many of our customers,” he says.

Wheeler says that it took a long time to realize the need because “we didn’t have a way to standardize the process.”

To find really valuable contextual signals, he says, it’s important to analyze metrics in aggregate. Looking at the data in aggregate revealed “a valuable market for CTV,” he said, especially with long-tail content that exists in AVOD and FAST platforms.

The service launches with Peer39, a global provider of contextual suitability and quality solutions provider. For the first time, the Gracenote contextual CTV categories will become available on Peer39 partner demand side platform (DSP) platforms enabling programmatic CTV ad buys.

Gracenote has partnered with Magnite, an independent omnichannel sell-side advertising company, as its first supply-side platform (SSP) to support and scale these new CTV categories.

“This is our first product in this space,” Wheeler says. “There will be other partners in the future.”

Publishers testing the service include Cineverse, DIRECTV Advertising, Philo, Tastemade, and Xumo.

Gracenote Contextual Video Data describes individual TV shows and movies to provide more visibility and transparency for media buyers who want additional signals around content. Agencies such as Cannella Media and Ocean Media intend to use Gracenote CTV categories to optimize targeting and deliver incremental reach.  

“The idea that you can make an ad that matches the context of the viewer viewing it is powerful,” Wheeler says. “Understanding taxonomies and scale are the two most important things to customers now, so having the ability to buy across many platforms will come next.”

For example, the Gracenote ID gets embedded into pieces of content. Advertisers can look for that content in media buys across multiple streaming discovery platforms — AVOD or FAST — that will allow them to fulfill location orders in locations such as Italy or Spain.  

Wheeler said “we will get to performance” advertising, eventually, but today the service supports publishers and targeting.

Having the ability to support performance means being able to track what advertisers look for by providing measurements.

“We are increasing the metrics and will have the ability to provide reports that show performance, but for now it’s focused on publishers and giving advertisers more metrics,” he says.

5 Ways to Reach Your Target Audience and Grow Your Business for Free


5 Ways to Reach Your Target Audience and Grow Your Business for Free

Connecting with the right target audience is crucial for business success. However, this can be challenging, particularly when operating with limited marketing resources. Luckily, there are many free and effective ways to reach your target audience. In this post, I’ll share the five best ways to reach your target audience without spending a dime.

1. Leverage Social Media and LinkedIn for Lead Generation

Social media platforms offer immense opportunities for audience engagement. LinkedIn, being a professional networking giant, is no different. Here are the most effective ways to reach your target audience. Before we start, let’s discuss how to make the most of these social media platforms.

Conduct research to understand your target audience. Also, research the platforms they frequent most and be active there.

Leverage social media management tools. Read this Attrock post for a comprehensive list of tools that help streamline social media management.

Optimize your profiles and develop a content strategy for social media and LinkedIn. Tailor your content for each platform’s specific audience and preferences. Research and use relevant hashtags to increase discoverability.

When it comes to LinkedIn, prioritizing professional content is crucial. Share industry insights, participate in relevant discussions, and publish informative articles. To generate leads for LinkedIn, you can join relevant groups.

Join industry-specific groups.

Actively engage with your audience on both platforms. Utilize free social media analytics tools like Google Analytics and each platform’s in-app analytics tools

2. Invest in Local SEO

If you’re looking for effective ways to reach your target audience, invest in local SEO. Build a strong online presence with local SEO to ensure your business appears prominently in local searches. Google, Google Maps and business websites are some of the most popular tools for finding local businesses.

Image via BrightLocal

Here are a few ways to invest in local SEO:

  • Establish and optimize your free Google Business Profile (GBP).
  • Use local business citations to your advantage. These include online mentions of your business name, and address. You can also use phone number (NAP) across various directories like Yelp, Yellow Pages and industry-specific platforms
  • Use free tools like Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends or Ubersuggest to discover local keywords.
  • Create and optimize high-quality, informative content targeted to local searches.

3. Implement an Email Marketing Strategy

Emails are one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience because they allow direct communication. In fact, 87% of marketers consider email critical to success.

Image via Litmus

There are free email marketing plans for both seasoned entrepreneurs and beginners. Here is a strategy to effectively use email marketing:

  • Build an email list.
  • Develop an email marketing strategy.
  • Leverage email marketing automation.
  • Segment your email list and personalize your messages.
  • Track and analyze the various email metrics.

It’s important to strategically invest in different types of emails in your email campaigns. You can invest in newsletters, welcome emails, or other email types, as shown in the image below.

According to reports, 70% of marketers say their businesses have a content marketing strategy. A content marketing strategy builds brand awareness and attracts organic traffic to a website.

Image via Blogger Passion

4. Create a Killer Content Marketing Strategy

High-quality content is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. To craft a compelling content marketing strategy:

  • Research and analyze your target audience’s pain points and content preferences.
  • Conduct thorough keyword research. Use free tools like Google Keyword Planner, Answer The Public and Ahrefs Webmaster Tools.
  • Use free content audit tools to find content topics, gaps and repurposing opportunities. Also, check the quality of existing content.
  • Create a content calendar to ensure a steady flow of content writing and publication.
  • Explore diverse content like blog posts, infographics, videos, ebooks, case studies, quizzes and more.
  • Use free design tools like Canva to create professional-looking visuals, or make your job easier using editable infographic templates.
  • Utilize social wall to aggregate and display social media content, boosting interactivity.
  • Polish, optimize and share your content  on social media and relevant online communities.

5. Unleash the Power of Video Marketing

According to reports, 91% of marketers recognize videos as one of the best ways to reach their target audience and expand their reach.

Image via Wyzowl

Harris Enters Race: Is Political Ad Spend Suddenly Accelerating?


Harris Enters Race: Is Political Ad Spend Suddenly Accelerating?

Political donations are sharply accelerating for Kamala Harris, the new Democrat Presidential candidate, with the campaign raising an eye-popping $140 million in just a few days from small -- not billionaire -- donors. 

Could this signal a higher squeeze on available inventory in local TV markets to come -- and higher pricing? And overall, will political media and marketing make any sharp transitions as a result of this historically rare change in candidates so late in the election period?

It has been only a few days since President Biden pulled out of the race for re-election with Vice President Harris taking over. That has some political marketing executives wondering.

Kara Ullmann, head of political, issue advocacy and government advertising of Seedtag, which focuses on contextual advertising, said: “Harris' advertising campaign as the new Democratic Presidential nominee could drive up prices and reduce available inventory for political ads, especially on premium platforms with limited ad space.”

Typically, there is always some squeeze in the third- and fourth-quarter calendar periods in a Presidential or midterm election-year race as political advertisers can reserve the right to place inventory at the lowest price levels.

But could it get worse? “Non-political advertisers may face similar challenges of limited ad space and higher costs.” 

This sharply rising activity could be a benefit for streaming and connected TV platforms-- especially with Harris’ push to attract younger voters.

Ullmann: “We will see a huge increase in ad spending promoting Harris across CTV over the next few months as the DNC and her campaign work to unite and rally the party.”

The sudden spike could also force the GOP to also raise its game to get Donald Trump re-elected. All this activity follows some major GOP donors' recent efforts to bolster Trump.Recently, X owner  Elon Musk pledged to spend $45 million per month for his campaign.

While the Harris/Democrat National Committee donation will go heavily into efforts for Harris, some of that money will go to down-ballot races for Democrats candidates seeking office or looking to be re-elected.

Prior to this, eMarketer had estimated political advertising would rise 30% this year to $12.3 billion for the 2024 season, over 2020.

Another estimate from AdImpact projected broadcast TV --- mostly local and some national -- to get to $5.4 billion, with local cable TV at $1.9 billion; CTV at $1.5 billion; digital at $1.1 billion; and cable TV national networks at $310 million.

But numbers will surely change now.

The dramatic change in the Democrat Presidential candidate so late in the political season might fuel even more spending -- perhaps in less obvious digital media platforms -- especially with a Presidential race that is projected to be close and an electorate that is increasingly polarized.

YouTube Growth Slows: CTV, Competition Poised to Make a Dent?



YouTube Growth Slows: CTV, Competition Poised to Make a Dent?

On the surface, Google’s YouTube second-quarter results look great -- with a 13% increase in advertising revenue to $8.6 billion. But Wall Street was expecting a bit more -- like $8.93 billion.

In addition, analysts wonder whether increasing competition -- from many outside influences --  is waiting in the wings and poised to make a few dents in the big streaming video site.

The first indication of potential softness comes from the dominant Google search business itself -- a business that climbed 14% in the period.

MoffettNathanson Research says Google’s growth in search at the company has outperformed YouTube video ad growth in nine of the last 12 quarters -- and adds that this is surprising, given the age and engagement differences between the YouTube and search markets. 

There are also concerns that YouTube Shorts is not doing as well as non-Short inventory. The problem is that TikTok and Reels may remain stronger -- especially when it comes to mobile.

The good news is that YouTube has seen continued quarterly improvements since the first quarter of 2023 -- rising 2%, then 5%, 12%, 16%, and 21% -- in advertising revenues. 

An analysis seems to suggest that YouTube seeing a dip most recently to 13% could mean a change is coming.

The broader view shows the current advertising weakness in not only linear TV video advertising, but also a maturing and softening of streaming TV ad activity.

Perhaps this indicates a bigger picture -- that YouTube depends heavily on brand advertising -- upper-funnel, awareness engagement that can be particularly tough to prove out, in terms of return on media investment.

And there are new connected TV (CTV) competitors to consider going forward -- with strength in Amazon Prime Video strength and retail media.

The positive element has been core viewing results for streaming. The most recent Nielsen reading shows YouTube rising to another best result with 9.9% share of total June viewing for persons two years on older when it comes to all TV-video viewing.

Finally, there is this: Disney+ has been considering the idea of adding "user-generated content" -- core YouTube content -- to its platform, to pull in a broader range of viewers.

Seems like a big task. But getting even a small piece of  some $9 billion in potential ad revenue per quarter could be a big deal for any new legacy-owned streaming platforms’ profitability. Someone is hitting the ‘like’ button.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Android Auto is working on support for AM, FM, and HD radio

Sorry I couldn't undo my attempt to include the picture with the underscored article...but I thought you'd want to share it with your local-direct automotive clients. Philip Jay LeNoble, Ph.D.

Android Auto is working on support for AM, FM, and HD radio

Android Auto homescreen displayed on an in-dash navigation screen
  • Android Auto is a powerful tool that really enhances the in-car entertainment experience.

  • A new update may soon bring traditional radio controls to Android Auto, giving users access to FM, AM, and HD Radio.

  • While not a top request, integrating radio controls could enhance safety and the overall user experience.

While car radios used to be in a bad place with outdated UIs and clunky software that never got updated, things changed with the arrival of Android Auto, giving users the power to upgrade their head units, just by plugging up their existing phones. Since that time, many car manufacturers have adopted Android Auto into their products, giving users a great way to keep some consistency between their phones and their vehicles.

And while Android Auto has made significant changes and added a ton of features over the years, the one thing that it still doesn't offer is connectivity to traditional terrestrial radio broadcasts. Now, for most, music streaming services like Spotify and YouTube Music are a way of life, and this kind of connectivity is the last thing on peoples' minds. But, just in case you ever wanted to, it looks like a future update could bring that type of functionality to Android Auto.

Most people won't use it, but it'll be nice to have


The folks at 9to5Google did some digging into the latest version of Android Auto and found some indications in the code that hint that this feature could be in the works. One of the biggest giveaways is that there is a line of code that shows support for “Car Radio” controls, which will apparently give the app the ability to control the built-in radio with options to switch from AM, FM and even HD Radio.

As far as what it will look like, the news outlet is unclear, as it has only been able to see code strings at this point. So how it will look when it arrives is really anyone's guess. Again, while this might not be the most critical or highly requested feature by most Android Auto users, there are definitely a few good reasons to get this integrated into the UI, with safety being one of the top concerns.

Health, Wellness Brands Are Missing the Mark with Gen Z Women


Health, Wellness Brands Are Missing the Mark with Gen Z Women

The health and wellness world seems to be in a state of perpetual transformation, especially because of the influence of the diverse viewpoints and needs of various demographics, particularly Gen Z women. This consumer base has emerged as a potent influence, shaping dialogues concerning comprehensive well-being. As a generation molded by digital technology and shifting societal norms, female Gen Z audiences disrupt conventional approaches in their pursuit of health and wellness.

However, navigating the intricacies of their well-being journey poses challenges for Gen Z women as they encounter a healthcare system and brands that frequently fall short of meeting their needs. Understanding their distinct attitudes and behaviors is pivotal for brands striving to engage with genuineness and efficacy.

The Gen Z Health & Wellness Experience

Gen Z women enjoy unparalleled access to information, particularly through digital channels. They traverse a landscape inundated with health-related content, molding their perspectives on overall well-being. Yet, within this abundance of information lies a formidable hurdle: misinformation. The profusion of choices and veiled marketing content doesn’t propel female Gen Zs toward improved health. Instead, it fosters dismissiveness and bewilderment, exacerbating the anxiety prevalent in this generation.

Research by McKinsey and the 2024 World Happiness Report shows that Gen Z reports inferior mental, social, and spiritual health compared to older generations. Female Gen Z-ers are nearly twice as likely as males to report subpar mental health. 

For Gen Z women, wellness focus revolves around fitness, sleep, and overall health, signaling a yearning for a balanced approach. However, despite their active prioritization of health, Gen Z women grapple with a significant spending disparity. Independent studies have noted their relatively modest healthcare expenditures compared to their population size.  

How BrandsCan Connect With Gen Z Women

Responsibility and advocacy: Brands that actively champion better health and wellness can resonate more with Gen Z women. This might involve forming partnerships with health organizations, engaging in community initiatives, and maintaining transparent communication.

Authentic engagement: With 22% of Gen Z women anticipating health and wellness brands to connect on a deeper level, authenticity becomes crucial. Brands need to demonstrate a genuine commitment to this demographic’s well-being.

Holistic offerings: Gen Z women seek brands that acknowledge the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. While it may not be feasible for a single brand to be all those things, it needs to consider the full spectrum of a woman’s health journey and strive to address multiple aspects where possible.

Leveraging digital tools: Given that 66% of Gen Z use wellness apps and fitness trackers, brands should incorporate digital health tools into their offerings. This not only meets the technological expectations but also facilitates personalized health solutions.

Mental health support: Considering the high rates of anxiety and depression among Gen Z women, brands should prioritize mental health in their messaging. Providing resources and destigmatizing mental health will forge stronger connections with this demographic.