Historically, linear TV has always been the most trusted resource for truthful news and information. Is it no longer the gateway to where to go to get what is real? Philip Jay LeNoble, Ph.D.
TV Airing Assurance: Is It Getting Harder for Viewers to Trust?
- by Wayne Friedman , Staff Writer, Yesterday

Does TV still influence consumers? Yes, according to TV advertising association the TVB.
It says local TV news programs are the most trusted -- slightly more than network TV news networks.
Which are the least trusted channels? As many surveys have concluded -- including this latest one -- that would be social media, of course, at just 43% compared to local broadcast TV (73%) and network broadcast TV news (69%).
Of course, we see billions of dollars in advertising still flowing into social media -- because the number of users and consumers of those sites are still very high.
'Is there any prospect of change in this dynamic? One would like to believe we are all getting smarter, that the uncertainty around “trust” is becoming clearer.
But that path to trust continues to be filled with obstacles. It can be tiresome to get to that truth. And even then, who has the time to do the grunt work?
That's why bad actors continue to thrive and gum up the works. That is why many take the easiest source -- which is typically one that sides with their political and opinionated leanings.
With the last three Presidential elections, it seems Russian-based actors continue to easily manipulate content on digital social media sites and other platforms. This includes one now discredited key government FBI informant who has admitted to lying about Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden -- misinformation given to him by Russian intelligence sources.
Ah, yes! Not all misleading information needs to come by the way of a digital website. You can feed bad content by way of a human being who can communicate that with those of the U.S. Congress is looking for a good story to tell -- on TV.
After all, isn't that still the way we can communicate quickly with media hungry and very busy consumers? Tell your tall tale.
And, some a similar regard, wondering what, if any lower-valued content from those prospective U.S. congressional hearings would have meant to poor, overworked TV media agency and brand executives?
Social media is not so good. And neither are some TV networks, and other traditional media platforms. So where is the trust? Should we just bust up our viewing? Maybe ask Musk.
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