Tuesday, May 24, 2022

This Article Isn’t About Sales


This Article Isn’t About Sales


(By Loyd Ford) This article isn’t about sales. But it is, right? We all fundamentally understand that people buy from people they like, but where does that come from? You meet people and they get to know you from experiences.

We’re in the radio business. By the way, it’s a business that sometimes prides itself on creativity and the use of creativity.

Yet people like me preach about radio and our continuing invisibility.

Yeah, that’s wrong. Let’s fix it.

When is the last time you threw a party all about your clients?

Did you do a good job of sending invitations and making it personal?

Making certain that you gave people a selfish set of reasons to attend?

Did you create an event that truly put the spotlight on clients, their successes, their voice, their place in the community? I’m talking about a creative theme and planned presentation where attendees felt immediately that this was their party.

Did you set up a luxury attention setting where special costume greeters welcomed them in individually to the party (maybe even announced them)?

Did you offer a presentation that shed a spotlight on specific segments of business and how certain individual business owners have grown their businesses across the last decade?
Did you include video attributions from clients talking about your radio station’s role or your cluster’s role in growing their business and how effective radio is?

Did you position one seller at each table – not as a seller – as a personal connection to the event?

Did you have door prizes and fun entertaining opportunities to allow local businesspeople to experience radio and your personalities doing what makes them special as you focus on these clients and potential clients?

Did you take photos of the guests as they arrived with your station or cluster banners behind them?

Did your popular morning shows do a presentation during the event?

Did you follow up in 7 days with your sellers arriving with a gift for each business owner attending? *What gift you ask? A framed photo of them at your event.

Notice I didn’t mention selling at the event. You won’t. Not if you’re smart.

And I want you to think about this: If you have a party – once a year – focused on clients and potential clients, you can create several ideas.

-Radio is fun
-Radio is powerful
-Radio has very successful business owners as clients
-Your radio group is fun, easy to be with

How much attention do you think you and your competitors have really placed on clients and potential clients or even how they see radio now?

Why not? It might be time to throw that party after all.

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