Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Big Win For Radio+Report: Radio Ad Revenue to Drop 1.5% in 2017.

The radio industry has been asking for bigger sample sizes from Nielsen and Arbitron for years and on Wednesday Nielsen came through with some good news. At no additional cost to clients Nielsen says it will be increasing the effective sample size of its PPM panel by 10 percent across all markets and demographics, starting in 2017. Here are the details.
The new panel will have more than 80,000 installed meters, meaning that on an average day, more than 65,000 panelists will contribute to the ratings; Nielsen said that “represents more than 6,000 additional panelists on a daily basis across the aggregate of PPM markets.” The sample increase will be distributed proportionally across all demographics.
Nielsen Audio Managing Director Brad Kelly says, “An increase in the PPM sample size is the number one priority for our clients. With this investment, Nielsen is doubling down on its commitment to the radio industry and addressing the needs of our clients. We are thrilled to roll out this enhancement that will continue to build a stronger radio advertising marketplace.”

Radio Ad Revenue to Drop 1.5% in 2017.

Money graphic

That’s according to a revised forecast from MoffettNathanson Research which now says traditional media will see a 6% decline in total advertising next year. Most of that decline is on the TV side.
In 2016 TV is expected to be up 5.5% this year and down 3.7% next year with local TV seeing an increase of 9.5% rise this year and an 8% drop next year. Broadcast networks will finish 2016 up 8%, dropping 4.6% in 2017. TV will have a tougher time in 2017 without the Olympics and an election. As for the other media, including radio, here’s what Moffet predicts.
Radio is projected to decline only 1.5% in 2017.
Newspapers will sink to 10.5% this year and 8% next year
Outdoor looks to eke out a 1% gain in 2017.
Digital media will increase 19.6% in 2016 and 16.1% in 2017.

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