by Jack Loechner, Yesterday, 10:30 AM
A recently released a study Hearst Television shows that local television news is more effective in engaging viewers' attention to advertising than other TV program genres and competitive media.
The primary objectives of the study, says Frank N. Magid Associates, is to determine the key attributes to be used for television advertising sales based on the performance of local TV news relative to other genres and other media platforms across the following categories:
Importance.Emotional attachment.Level of engagement in advertising. Advertising effectiveness
49% of viewers ranked local TV news first as "... a major part of my daily routine." Broadcast prime time dramas and sitcoms ranked second (47%) followed by:
Broadcast network prime time reality TV (42%)
Cable network prime time dramas/movies (37%)
Cable news (34%)
45% of respondents said they "pay more attention" to local TV news than most other TV genres, while cable news was cited by 39%. 81% cited local TV news as the "most important" news source among local, network broadcast and cable TV news.
The largest number of respondents cited local TV newscasts as being the most effective medium for delivering awareness of products and services advertised during the programming. Local news ranked #1, with 27% of respondents replying that ads during local TV newscasts "keep me in the know with regards to products/services." Informational talk shows, was cited second by 24%.
Local newscasts were considered a better platform to most other TV genres in terms of:
Driving purchase of products Trustworthiness and Advertising products that appeal to the viewer.
Local TV news is also relatively "DVR-proof," says the study. Only 17% of respondents cited having recorded local TV newscasts for later viewing. 57% said they never, rarely or only sometimes fast-forward through portions of recorded local TV newscasts. By contrast, 69% of respondents said they most of the time or always fast-forward through portions of cable network prime time dramas/movies.
Ads on local TV news websites were found to do a better job than advertisements on most other types of websites in terms of:
Keeping viewers in the know regarding products and services
Driving purchase of products
Advertising products that appeal to the viewer
Local direct revenue can not only help put dollars in the bank for your station but help grow client businesses in your DMA with some commercials placed within the campaign you recommend when utilizing news programming...Philip Jay LeNoble, Ph.D.
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