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Stop Settling for Lazy Positioning: It's Hurting Your Business
- by Michael Baer , February 19, 2025
“It’s simple: We’re the best."
“We care more than the competition."
Our product is an innovative AI solution.”
These are the kind of placeholder statements masquerading as positioning that I see far too often. They’re vague, generic, and devoid of insight. Worse, they fail the most critical test of all: giving your customers a compelling reason to choose you.
So why do so many companies settle for this lazy approach to positioning -- or skip it entirely? Weak positioning generally isn’t a conscious choice, but the byproduct of several inaccurate perceptions.
They Think Positioning Isn’t a Priority
In the rush for growth, companies often prioritize tactics over strategy. “We need leads!” takes precedence over “We need clarity about who we’re for and why they should care.” Without a clear positioning strategy, marketing and sales efforts are scattered, unclear, and underproductive.
They Fear Narrowing Their Audience
Many companies fear being too specific, so they craft broad, one-size-fits-all messages. As I’ve written here before, when you try to speak to everyone, you resonate with no one.
They Confuse Product with Positioning
I often see companies touting product features as if they are strategy. But listing what your product does isn’t positioning. Positioning answers why you do it.
They Underestimate Its Value
Working on positioning may feel like wasted effort, especially compared to the action of launching a marketing campaign or new product. But positioning provides the underpinning for every marketing and sales (and beyond) activity, and having a strong one makes all activation more efficient and effective.
But generic -- or worse, absent -- positioning isn’t just ineffective, it’s bad for business. It leads to wasted marketing dollars, apathetic customers, and frustrated teams.
On the other hand, clear, strong positioning is the foundation for building a brand that grows and lasts. Consider:
-- Bain studies show companies with strong brand positioning grow 30% faster than their competitors.
-- Forbes research demonstrated consistent brand positioning can increase revenue by up to 23%.
-- HBR reported brands with clear differentiation see higher customer loyalty and retention rates.
Here’s how to build positioning that truly resonates:
Understand your customers deeply. There is no substitute for developing -- and documenting -- a deep understanding of your audience. Who are they? What goals are they trying to achieve? Your messaging should address their needs, not those of your CEO or product team.
Define customers’ pain points clearly. Strong positioning revolves around the challenges your offering solves. The more clearly you can articulate your customer’s needs, the more credible and relevant you become.
Frame the value of your solution through their eyes. Instead of talking about your product’s features and benefits, communicate them in the context of customer outcomes. How does your solution make their or their end-user’s life easier, their job more successful, or their business more competitive? Customers don’t care about what you do; they care about what you can do for them.
Articulate your purpose. Define the deep-seated reason behind your offering and its benefits. Why did you create it? What beliefs led to your brand’s focus on addressing this challenge for these consumers?
Stop settling for vague promises and product descriptions. Take the time to define who you are, who you’re for, and why you matter. Because if you don’t, your competition will --and they’ll take your customers with them.